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Chalmers Data Office is your primary contact for everything concerning the management of research data at Chalmers. Where, the term research data refers to digital data that has been collected or produced for scientific purposes. Research data may be numerical, textual, images, video or sound recordings. It may also be software code.

Contact Chalmers Data Office for support

Chalmers Data Office can provide you with support when handling research data and help you in making your data accessible. 

We can assist you with

  • publishing your research data
  • data management plans (and other funder requirements)
  • making your data accessible and re-usable (according to FAIR)
  • providing DOI:s (Digital object identifiers) to make your data more visible and citable
  • questions regarding the archiving, preservation of and sorting out your research data (read more)

You can contact us at and read more on Chalmers Intranet.