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Access to compute and storage can come at several levels:

  1. Using existing local resources
  2. Using national resources
  3. Using international resources
  4. Buying private resources for your group

For level 1, a base allocation of resources is provided to all Departments at Chalmers free-at-the-point-of-use, and additional allocations may be acquired for a fee. These local resources are provided by Chalmers e-Commons e-infrastructure group, earlier know as C3SE. For levels 2 and 3, the resources are normally provided free-at-the-point-of-use after a scientific and technical review and national or international prioritization. Beyond this there is an opportunity to acquire dedicated capacity or specific resources directly funded by research groups or research infrastructures at Chalmers. If you are looking to buy such resources for your research group (4) or want help with writing applications to available resources (1-3) you can contact

The Alvis computer. Image: Henrik Sandsjö